Daily Archives: 31. October 2024

Disease free aging and quantum phenomena

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• There is a very long period of latency in very old age before serious susceptibility to ARDs of a cell begins, perhaps measured in years.
• During this period, the non-susceptibility of individual cells to the end of this latency is because of a steady stream of supportive communication and possibly exchange of organelles with neighboring cells. The author calls this process cellular parabiosis.
• This communication and exchange of organelles may take place through various mechanisms, and there is strong evidence that quantum tunneling between tubulin is involved. Microtubules are structural and organnel-transportation filaments in cells.
• The quantum tunneling can also be used to characterize age-related increase in ARD susceptibility to cancers.
• This cellular parabiosis communication and exchange of organelles can be stopped by the presence of age-related chronic inflammation.
• Reduction of chronic inflammation can result in the resumption of the communication and exchange of organelles continuing the period of latency before susceptibility to ARDs sets in
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